We Move Our Past Experiences Forward in Present Moments
A Tool for Disentangling Clients from Intergenerational and Vicarious Trauma We are now in the second month of a new…
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Focusing Oriented Therapy Q & A: How is Focusing an evidence based process of change?
Focusing evolved from research that has influenced much of the somatically-oriented, mindfulness-based work being done today. It has been linked…
Focusing-Oriented Therapy Q and A: What are the two most common therapeutic dead ends and how do we avoid them?
Two kinds of dead ends can happen in psychotherapy: The first occurs when the therapy consists only of interpretation and…
FOT Q&A: During the holidays I feel like I’m drinking from a fire hose. How can I change that?
Good question! It starts with a pause…. We are bombarded with information, requests and internal dialogue that never seems to…
FOT Q&A: What do Bessel van der Kolk, mythology, and spiritual perspectives on healing have in common?
FOT Q&A: What do Bessel van der Kolk, mythology, and spiritual perspectives on healing have in common? Focusing is about…
FOT Q&A: What is a felt sense?
In my July newsletter I discussed the research that led to the discovery of a natural human process that became…
FOT Q&A: What makes my training program unique?
Focusing, the process of being experientially present with one’s own unique felt quality of life, is at the heart of…
Giving Thanks
As we prepare to sit around festive tables with abundant food, beverages and seasonal decorations perhaps we can pause and…
Q & A: How are mindfulness and Focusing similar and different?
Mindfulness and Focusing share the characteristics of observing our experiencing in the present moment, having a somatic grounding, and requiring…
Q & A: What did Brené Brown discover is the key ingredient for overcoming failure and why is it so important in the process of change?
“He or she who is the most capable of being uncomfortable rises the fastest. There is a huge correlation between…
Morrison Therapy > QandA