Peaceful and Present through the Holidays:
A NEW Focusing Course with Jeffrey Morrison
Would you like to shift from distracted, anxious, and overwhelmed to Patient, Peaceful, and Present through the holidays? I can show you how in six weeks or your money back!
When: Six Thursdays, November 29th through January 3rd, from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm
Where: Move to Center Studio, 3618 SW Alaska St, Seattle, WA 98126
Fee: $125 (includes all materials)
Email: with subject “Help me relax!” to jeffrey@morrisontherapy.com
Focusing is an experiential, embodied and relational process at the heart of all change. I have taught Focusing to therapists and other healing professionals for years. Now I want to share this amazing process with you personally.
Focusing promotes a healthier relationship with the person who stands in the way of change — you! Learn to be more patient, peaceful and present as you shift your way of experiencing and shape your own process of change.
Change is not something we force. It is a way of being with our body’s innate knowing and wisdom. We all have an inner GPS, guidance system of knowing. What we lack is a way of knowing how the system works. Focusing will help you learn how: Guaranteed!