So many things were ready to go from trips, to conferences, a new website featuring in-person Focusing training (remember being with people?) and then things fell apart. I just remember saving all my energy for clients and students and then wine-ing at the end of the night with my wife. I’m sure I am not alone.
When things begin to fall apart there is that natural tendency to hold on tight and keep it together. Yet, at some point I was able to step back and see that a natural process of change had begun before COVID hit, and was accelerated by it. At first I was disoriented and wanted my “normal” life back. Over time it felt a lot better to just let go and trust that from the edge of uncertainty would emerge fresh steps of growth. How did that happen?
I leaned into my daily and weekly practices of Focusing (and Focusing partnerships), meditation, stretching-yoga-walking, and Trauma Releasing exercises (TRE). Connecting with my wife at the end of the day who began teaching second-graders online helped too.
What I have learned is when things fall apart it is helpful to step back and rest into the present moment and larger space of conscience awareness and view circumstances as a natural process of change. Then it becomes less something to fight and more of an uncomfortable and vague sense of something missing or not right … yet.
My practices help me to be with that unknown and uncomfortable edge of my experience. Showing up for myself, listening to my suffering and being with the unknown and unclear has led to surprising changes.
After 20 years of practicing psychotherapy in West Seattle, I closed my practice. I now practice full time on Vashon out of my beautiful home based studio. I invested in an outdoor seating area and let the breeze blow through my office for the occasional in-person visitor. Telehealth has transformed my practice and ability to work from home. As a body centered therapist the virtual format is not ideal. Screen time tires me and my body senses the absence of a real presence. At the same time I am so grateful for the opportunity to continue working with lovely souls – without the commute.

— Coming in January 2021 —
This will be my last Morrison Therapy Newsletter! In the new year you receive a newsletter from my new business the Seattle Focusing Institute. It is a dream come true developed with many little steps and missteps over the last couple of years. It will be a hub for my teaching and a growing Focusing community in the area. I look forward to developing my capacity as a teacher and mentor for those wanting to bring Focusing into their practices and lives.
Lastly, I want to express a deep gratitude to all who I work with and who have supported me with their kind words of thanks during a really difficult year.
May we all share in the shelter of each other and flourish through mutual kindness in the new year. ♥