Focusing, the process of being experientially present with one’s own unique felt quality of life, is at the heart of most somatic and mindfulness approaches being taught in the psychotherapy field today. Focusing is psychological, philosophical, and touches spiritual edges as it takes a person deep into their own experiencing. It facilitates relational presence in the therapeutic encounter as it helps clients regulate emotional states, enter into their felt sense awareness of stuck patterns, and bring about bodily felt steps of change. Students of my Focusing training series come to profoundly know and practice this naturally occurring, innately powerful, self-healing process, which allows you to be with both your clients and yourself in a completely new way. They have described my training as “deeply satisfying,” both personally and professionally.
The healing of trauma is a sacred journey. The word sacredhere speaks to the gravity of what clients bring into the room when they entrust us with helping them. To lead another on a journey, you must know the landscape. Therefore, a core value of my Focusing training program is your development as a healing professional. As a student, you learn to be a good listener to your inner process as you develop the skills to bring Focusing into your work with others. This self-cultivation not only helps you learn and apply a strong foundation of skill; it also bolsters your own sense of presence and solid ground while guiding your clients on the journey of healing from trauma.
The program begins by creating a safe space where participants can grow and explore securely. I use a small group, cohort model to maximize a sense of trust and community. We practice all Focusing skills during the workshops so that you learn experientially. Throughout the learning series, you’ll experience a widening sense of your own authenticity. Within partner exchanges and supervised sessions, you further develop a strong inner relationship with your biggestself and build confidence in facilitating that growth with your clients.
As therapists, we all need a variety of ways to care for ourselves and our “stuff.” Focusing partnerships are a great way to support ourselves and each other in the work we do. Partnerships are not only a good way to learn Focusing, but become for many the best self-care and professional-care practice they have ever experienced.
Please come and join me for what students describe as “retreat-like” weekends, in the natural setting of my workshop space on Vashon Island, the safety of community, and the emphasis we place on personal care and growth.
See: Jeffrey Morrison Focusing Oriented Therapy Training Program