Due to the COVID-19 pandemic spring and early summer workshops have been canceled and re-scheduled for the late summer and early fall.
Unwinding the Habitual: Present Moment Practices for Change
Full day workshop: Earn 6 CEU’s
A day of embodiment and renewal through present moment practices interwoven to allow a deep dive into how you find yourself “now.” We will combine Focusing, movement, yoga and meditation practices designed to transform stuck patterns and renew spirit.
Through embodiment we become present, through presence we develop awareness and through awareness we encounter the freedom to choose non-habitual responses.
This is a community workshop, all are welcome. No prior experience required. Come join me, connect and feel restored!
Date and time: 9:00 to 4:30
May 29th 2020
Place: Vashon
Cost: $165.00 if registered by April first, $195 thereafter
Registration: Jeffrey@morrisontherapy.com
CEU’s pending